Working with Dental Therapists – Jeff Bartleson | Children’s Dental Services
Jeff Bartleson, manager of a Minnesota dental clinic, talks about the acceptance of dental therapists in Minnesota, the use of a dental therapist in his office, and the future of dental therapy.
Dr. Donald Berwick discusses the successes and promise of including Dental Therapists on the Oral Health team
This videotaped message from Dr. Donald Berwick, Senior fellow at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, was presented on January 23, 2017 within the Community Catalyst Dental Access Project webinar: "Patient Health: How dental therapists can improve health outcomes"
Dental Health Aide Therapists: Investing in Our People
Learn how tribal communities in Alaska brought dental therapists to their communities and the health and financial impact it has had.
Working with Dental Therapists — Dr. Frank Catalanotto | Pew
Dr. Frank Catalanotto explains how dental therapists can help dentists serve Medicaid patients.
Dental Therapists Make Economic Sense
Part of an infographic series commemorating the tenth anniversary of dental therapists practicing in Alaska.
Economic Viability of Dental Therapists
This report assesses the economic viability of services provided by practicing midlevel dental providers in the U.S. and shows that they are expanding preventive dental care to people who need it most: children and those who can't afford care.
Dental Therapists Are A Smart Investment
Valerie Perkins – Dental Access Now! | UHCAN Ohio
Valerie Perkins, Cincinnati resident, talks about the effects of poor dental health on her overall health.