Everything you need to know about Dental Therapy.

Explore our extensive library of articles, documents, infographics, interactive tools, interviews, podcasts, social media assets and videos.

Bonnie’s story: How a dental therapist cares for her community

Bonnie Johnson is part of a new wave of front-line dental professionals who are dramatically improving the way dental care is delivered.

Dr. Larry Hill – Dental Access Now! | UHCAN Ohio

Dr. Larry Hill discusses how dental therapists could help bring quality dental care to more children and families across Ohio.

Why Are Dental Therapy Programs A Good Fit For Community Colleges?

Questions addressed in this fact sheet include (but are not limited to): How do dental therapists increase access to oral health in underserved communities? Why are dental therapy programs a good fit for community colleges? What value do dental therapists bring to communities?

Mid-Level Dental Providers: Expanding Care to Every Community

Mid-level providers are critical to expanding access to dental care. Working with dentists and hygienists they help provide preventive and routine dental services, oral health education and a dental home in underserved communities.

Working with Dental Therapists — Dr. Powers | Pew

Dr. John T. Powers, DDS, a private-practice dentist in Montevideo, MN, describes working with a dental therapist.