Everything you need to know about Dental Therapy.

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Dental Therapy Toolkit

This toolkit is a resource prepared for advocates and partners. It spotlights the work of dental therapists and emphasizes how they promote economic development through job creation and business growth, expand the dental care team and increase access to care for communities.

Dental Therapy Toolkit: 2020 Fact Sheet

This toolkit is a resource prepared for advocates and partners. It spotlights the work of dental therapists and emphasizes how they promote economic development through job creation and business growth, expand the dental care team and increase access to care for communities.

Dental Therapy Toolkit: Timeline of Dental Therapy in the U.S.

This toolkit is a resource prepared for advocates and partners. It spotlights the work of dental therapists and emphasizes how they promote economic development through job creation and business growth, expand the dental care team and increase access to care for communities.

Dental Therapy Toolkit: Dental Therapy Momentum

This toolkit is a resource prepared for advocates and partners. It spotlights the work of dental therapists and emphasizes how they promote economic development through job creation and business growth, expand the dental care team and increase access to care for communities.

Dental Therapy Toolkit Spotlight: Aveena Finkbonner

This toolkit is a resource prepared for advocates and partners. It spotlights the work of dental therapists and emphasizes how they promote economic development through job creation and business growth, expand the dental care team and increase access to care for communities.

Dental Therapy Toolkit Spotlight: Rochelle Ferry

This toolkit is a resource prepared for advocates and partners. It spotlights the work of dental therapists and emphasizes how they promote economic development through job creation and business growth, expand the dental care team and increase access to care for communities.

Dental Therapy Toolkit: Spotlight Share Squares

This toolkit is a resource prepared for advocates and partners. It spotlights the work of dental therapists and emphasizes how they promote economic development through job creation and business growth, expand the dental care team and increase access to care for communities.

Dental Therapy Toolkit: Additional Resources and Acknowledgements

This toolkit is a resource prepared for advocates and partners. It spotlights the work of dental therapists and emphasizes how they promote economic development through job creation and business growth, expand the dental care team and increase access to care for communities

Native Oral Health in New Mexico

Dental therapists are helping to meet the oral health care needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives. Learn more about New Mexico's efforts.