Everything you need to know about Dental Therapy.

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Dental Therapists: Safe Insurable Providers

Dental therapists provide safe, quality care. As a result, they are very inexpensive to insure for malpractice and liability.

What the Decision to Accredit Dental Therapy Programs Means for Kansas

The Commission on Dental Accreditation, or CODA, voted to approve accreditation standards for dental therapy educational programs.

Bringing Dental Therapists to Kansas

The Dental Therapist model is ideal for Kansas and its economy. By utilizing dental therapists, we can grow businesses, ensure that Kansans have access to regular dental care and save money.

Dental Therapists Are Right for Vermont

Adding DHATs to VT will help with the economy and with access for people in VT. There are already places to train them.

Why Are Dental Therapy Programs A Good Fit For Community Colleges?

Questions addressed in this fact sheet include (but are not limited to): How do dental therapists increase access to oral health in underserved communities? Why are dental therapy programs a good fit for community colleges? What value do dental therapists bring to communities?