What the Decision to Accredit Dental Therapy Programs Means for Kansas
The Commission on Dental Accreditation, or CODA, voted to approve accreditation standards for dental therapy educational programs.
Bringing Dental Therapists to Kansas
The Dental Therapist model is ideal for Kansas and its economy. By utilizing dental therapists, we can grow businesses, ensure that Kansans have access to regular dental care and save money.
Mid-Level Dental Providers: Expanding Care to Every Community
Mid-level providers are critical to expanding access to dental care. Working with dentists and hygienists they help provide preventive and routine dental services, oral health education and a dental home in underserved communities.
Working with Dental Therapists — Dr. Frank Catalanotto | Pew
Dr. Frank Catalanotto explains how dental therapists can help dentists serve Medicaid patients.
Providing evidence for expanding the dental care workforce – Overview
A review of more than 1,100 documents on dental care provided all over the world indicates that mid-level providers such as dental therapists could greatly expand access to care, especially for children.
Providing evidence for expanding the dental care workforce
The report reviews the history and practice of dental therapists in 54 countries ranging from the United States to Malaysia. According to the report, dental therapists provide technically competent, safe and effective care, while also improving access to care.
Looking Back, Moving Forward: Improving Oral Health for All Children
This video describes the W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s long-time commitment to oral health equity and diversity in the oral health profession
W.K. Kellogg Foundation Supports Community-Led Efforts in Five States
The W.K. Kellogg Foundation will invest more than $16 million by 2014 in the Dental Therapist Project, which includes efforts in Kansas, New Mexico, Ohio, Vermont, and Washington.