Dental Utilization for Communities Served by Dental Therapists in Alaska’s Yukon Kuskokwim Delta: Findings from an Observational Quantitative Study
In this retrospective program evaluation there were two goals: to examine whether dental utilization rates in Alaska Native communities were associated with the number of Dental Therapist treatment days; and to quantify differences in dental utilization rates between communities.
Valerie Davidson: The Impact of Dental Therapists in Alaska
Access to routine dental care should be a right, not a privilege.
Naomi Petrie: A Dental Therapist Profile
The dental workforce also needs to expand, adding mid-level providers – dental therapists – to the dental team.
Dr. Donald Berwick discusses the successes and promise of including Dental Therapists on the Oral Health team
This videotaped message from Dr. Donald Berwick, Senior fellow at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, was presented on January 23, 2017 within the Community Catalyst Dental Access Project webinar: "Patient Health: How dental therapists can improve health outcomes"
Seattle Times (Op-ed): Allow native communities to recruit dental therapists
Washington Sen. McCoy urges state lawmakers to authorize dental therapists to practice.
Seattle Times Editorial: Expand coverage with dental therapists and Medicaid reimbursements
State lawmakers shouldn’t choose between paying dentists higher rates for treating Medicaid or licensing dental therapists. They should do both.
State dentists lobby is blocking potential source of low-cost care
Dental health for the poor is a big problem in Washington state. Some see dental therapists as a route to less expensive care. But the powerful state dentists association has thwarted efforts to allow the therapists.
Celebrating Native Heroes in Oral Health – Conan Murat
WKKF recognized #NativeHeroes in oral health - people and organizations working to eliminate barriers to obtaining care or working to ensure that all tribal communities have timely access to quality dental care.