Everything you need to know about Dental Therapy.

Explore our extensive library of articles, documents, infographics, interactive tools, interviews, podcasts, social media assets and videos.

Working with Dental Therapists – Jeff Bartleson | Children’s Dental Services

Jeff Bartleson, manager of a Minnesota dental clinic, talks about the acceptance of dental therapists in Minnesota, the use of a dental therapist in his office, and the future of dental therapy.

Seattle Times Editorial: Expand coverage with dental therapists and Medicaid reimbursements

State lawmakers shouldn’t choose between paying dentists higher rates for treating Medicaid or licensing dental therapists. They should do both.

Working with Dental Therapists – Dental Therapist Christy Jo Fogarty | Pew

Christy Jo Fogarty, an advanced dental therapist at a non-profit clinic in Minnesota, describes working with patients and how she interacts with her supervising dentist.

A review of the global literature on dental therapists – Executive Summary

This executive summary documents evidence that dental therapists can effectively expand access to dental care, especially for children, and is technically competent, safe and effective.

Alaska Dental Therapist Program: Evaluation Summary

The first major independent evaluation of the Alaska dental therapist program found that dental therapists in Alaska are providing safe, competent, appropriate dental services.

Training New Dental Health Providers in the U.S. – Full Report

This 52 page report explores the interest and need to establish new midlevel dental providers in the U.S. The genesis of this interest is concern about access to care for underserved populations whose higher oral disease rates and unmet oral care needs are well documented.